Home The 2015 Ultimate Commercial Diver Holiday Gift Guide

The 2015 Ultimate Commercial Diver Holiday Gift Guide

We asked the following question on our Commercial Diving Facebook Group:

2015 holiday gift guide

Based on this, we have put together THE 2015 ULTIMATE COMMERCIAL DIVER HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE.  Hope you enjoy!


Window Shopping

The most liked comment was from Joseph Meaut:
cdiver facebook window shopping
red light district window shopping


We couldn’t agree more, though we also know the type of “Window Shopping” that most divers most likely do.  So this year, get your diving buddies a deal on a hotel in Amsterdam for a few nights of window shopping that they can’t afford to actually buy.

amsterdam hotel travelzoo

amsterdam hotel






For a little light reading ahead of time or on the flight there, we recommend you check out the book: “Meet the Fokkens: At the Red Light District“.

51hGiyeAURL“The Fokkens are well-known, both in our own country and internationally. In their previous work we got acquainted with ‘the garden gnome’, and learned about other exciting details from their sex room. In this book the ladies leave nothing out, allowing the reader to learn about Holland’s most famous neighborhood: the Red Light District. With their stories they enlighten us about, for instance, the ‘Bon Bon eater’, ‘Pimmetje the Runner’, ‘the Fucker’, and ‘the Turd’.


One member is wishing for a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico:

facebook hurricane GOM



We don’t control the weather, so we looked to see if we could find a Hurricane on Amazon and have it shipped to the GOM.  We were pretty amazed when results actually appeared.  One HurryCane in the GOM, coming up!




Another member is looking to get a new President for Christmas.

new presidentFor those of you who don’t recognize this President, we believe it’s Jacob Zuma, the current President of South Africa…though he has a funny looking haircut.  You can try giving him a new haircut.

billionaire toupee





bill pullman presidentWe did hear that Bill Pullman is making a comeback in Independence Day 2. You’ll want to ask him quick, I hear the US Republicans are about to reach out if Donald Trump’s poll numbers keep holding.  Otherwise…

there will be hell toupee


New KM 97

Screen Shot 2015-12-22 at 5.09.24 PM

Josh Morris is looking for a brand new KM 97.  We don’t  have any extras lying around the office and Amazon can’t get you 2-day shipping, but give the good folks over at Dive Commercial a call and I’m sure they can help you out.



A New Hammer

mike hammer

Mike, we hear you need a new hammer.  How about a new hammer that helps you get hammered?  #winningchristmas

Check out the Handyman’s Hammered Flask and Bottle Opener.



hammered flask


To fill that flask, you all need a great holiday cocktail to get you through the family events. Our favorite this year is called the Smoken Agave.

smoken agaveIt’s a complex drink that is essentially the love child of a naughty margarita and a manhattan. It’s deep, smoky, and all business.

Smoke’n Agave
2oz mezcal
0.75oz Gran Marnier
0.75oz fresh squeezed lemon juice
0.25oz agave syrup
2 dashes Angostura bitters

Combine all of the above in a shaker and shake vigorously. Pour through a fine mesh strainer/screen into a chilled martini or coupe glass. It is served up with a lemon twist. Enjoy.


New Jobs

While we don’t have work to give away, we would like to announce that we are close to complete with our new Commercial Diver Job System and will be doubling down on our efforts to have the most robust job board system in the Commercial Diving industry here in 2016. It’s a major update but one we think is needed for our industry. We’ll send out some announcements on it in a few weeks along with a couple of other surprises!

Happy Holidays and stay safe!

Testing link
The Loonliness of a Deep Sea Diver: David Harrison Beckett, My Autobiography Hardcover – November 1, 2016